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Mayfields Sunrise Splendor  - Same Day Delivery
Mayfields Sunrise Splendor  - Same Day Delivery

Mayfields Sunrise Splendor

Product Code: TRS08-1A

Height: 29", Width: 23" (approx.)

Long Stem Roses

Local Same Day & Express Delivery

Our professional floral design staff created this stunning long stem rose arrangement. It features beautiful roses in brilliant shades of orange, light orange and dark orange. Delivered in a sparkling flared vase, this is a dazzling gift that will warm her heart for days - maybe weeks.  The Standard Bouquet comes with 24 Roses. This flower arrangement makes for a great birthday or anniversary gift. 

Traditional Size comes with 24 Long Stem Roses 


This product can be upgraded by our expert florist.

Mayfields Sunrise Splendor : Traditional $149.95
Mayfields Sunrise Splendor : Fancy

36 Roses


50 Roses

