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Orchids, Exotic Plants, Tucson AZ Florist

Luxurious Orchid Plants

Voted Best Florist In Tucson

Mayfield Florist has the best selection of gorgeous plants in Tucson. We sell beautiful flowering plants, live green plants, tropical and exotic plants and high desert succulent plants. Each plant we sell comes with our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Plants are appropriate gifts for many different kinds of occasions. Shop online or stop by either of our two floral design centers to see all of the many great plant and floral options we have available.

Orchid plants are a beautiful and elegant addition to any home. They're also incredibly popular, with over 33 million orchids sold in the US alone each year.

Orchids are incredibly diverse, and there are thousands of species. Orchids are found all over the world, from tropical climates to temperate ones. The most common types of orchids include:

Cymbidiums - these have large flowers that come in many colors, ranging from red to yellow to purple. These types of orchids grow best in warm weather and need plenty of water to survive.

Dendrobiums - these have smaller flowers than cymbidiums and they generally bloom year-round. They like bright sunlight but don't need as much water as other types of orchid plants do.

Phalaenopsis - these have small flowers that grow on tall spikes above their leaves; they can be pink or white depending on their variety (there are many varieties!). These types of orchids grow best in shade but need at least four hours of sunlight each day to bloom properly.

What Are Exotic Plants?

Exotic plants are those that are not native to the area in which they are being grown. They're often bought by people who want to add some flair to their garden.

A survey conducted by the International Society for Horticultural Sciences found that more than 90% of all exotic plants sold were purchased by people who already owned at least one other type of exotic plant. These people tend to be very knowledgeable about gardening and plant care, so it's important to know what kind of care your exotic plant needs before you purchase it.

Exotic plants can be used for both indoor and outdoor gardening, but if you live in an area with a short growing season, it's recommended that you choose only hardy species.