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Tropical Flowers, Exotic Flowers, Orchids

Tropical & Exotic Flowers

Voted Best Florist In Tucson Arizona

Mayfield Florist offers the best selection of fresh flowers in Tucson. We have some great tropical and exotic flower options for you to consider. Many of the exotics and tropical flowers we sell come direct from both domestic and international growers. Buying direct ensures that our customers can always enjoy a wide variety of floral products to choose from.

Tropical flowers are a unique and exotic way to add a tropical flair to your floral designs. They're also great for adding color and texture to any bouquet.

Tropical flowers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors—from the super-bright orange of an orange blossom or the deep red of a bird-of-paradise flower, to the pale pink of a hibiscus blossom or the soft yellow of a frangipani blossom.

Tropical flowers are used in many different ways in floral design. For example, some tropical flowers are perfect for creating bold statements with their bright colors and strong forms; others lend themselves well to more delicate designs that highlight their delicate petals and leaves.

A tropical flower is a flower that comes from a place that is warm and humid, such as the tropics. Tropical flowers are a beautiful addition to floral bouquets because they have bright colors and unique shapes. They also last longer than other flowers that grow in colder climates.

Tropical flowers are used in floral bouquets for many different occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, weddings, proms and more! They are popular because they can be used to match any color scheme or theme you may have going on for your event or party. For example, if you're having a Hawaiian themed party then you could use tropical flowers like hibiscus or plumeria to decorate your table settings. Or perhaps you're having an outdoor wedding ceremony in the springtime so maybe some tulips would work well?

These types of arrangements look great in both formal settings like banquet halls as well as casual ones like backyards and patios. They can also be customized according to what type of occasion they're being used for too (i.e., tropical bouquets tend to have more flowers than wintertime ones do).