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Bromeliad Combo - Same Day Delivery

Bromeliad Combo

Product Code: BRO3

Bromeliads are some of the most unique plants available. This spectacular plant varies in color and variety. The bright colors of the Guzmania are the most popular variety available. They come in Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Fuschia,   plant or a combo of bright plants will add a special touch to any room in your house or office. They are so easy to maintain and just a little bit of care, their long lasting blooms will be around for quite a while. Decorative containers may vary depending on availability.

Traditional option is an 8 Inch Bromeliad Color Bowl


This product can be upgraded by our expert florist.

$94.95 $84.95

Ten Inch Bromeliad Color Bowl

$139.95 $129.95
