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Just Peachy  - Same Day Delivery
Just Peachy  - Same Day Delivery
Shown: Double the Flowers!

Just Peachy

Product Code: MAY-FP

Cast a little love with this peach, organic style arrangement. Ecuadorian garden roses, spray roses and South American hydrangea are arranged with assorted greenery in a modern white ceramic vase 

Fancy: DOUBLE THE FLOWERS in a white ceramic vase
Standard: Designed in a white ceramic vase 



Arrangement name: Just Peachy

Flowers in the design: Garden Roses, Hydrangea, Spray Roses

Colors in the bouquet: Green, Peach, White, Yellow

Country of origin for flowers: Ecuador, Japan, USA 

Suggested use: Administrative Professionals Week, Anniversary, Birthday, Corporate Events, Get Well, Graduation, Just Because, Love & Romance, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Weddings & more

Recommended add-ons: Balloons, Chocolates, Hand-Written Card



Ecuadorian garden roses are a beautiful, fragrant flower that originated in Ecuador. They are known for their delicate petals, which tend to be a light pink color with white speckles. Unlike other flowers, there are no thorns on the Ecuadorian garden rose. These flowers also have a longer lifespan than most other types of roses, making them perfect for long-lasting bouquets and arrangements.

Spray roses are a type of rose that have long, thin stems and clusters of small flowers. They're sometimes called "bouquet roses" due to their ability to be arranged into a bouquet. They differ from other flowers in that their stems are much longer than the petals themselves. Spray roses originated from Japan.

Hydrangea are a type of flower that is native to Japan, but has become popular all over the world. They grow on shrubs and come in many different colors, including pink, blue, purple, and white. Hydrangea are great for gardens because they can tolerate shade and poor soil conditions.


LOCAL-ONLY: If you are attempting to ship this product outside of the Greater Tucson area, please select a product that isn't identified as "Local Only".


This product can be upgraded by our expert florist.

Just Peachy : Traditional $84.95 $74.95
Just Peachy : Double the Flowers!
Enhance this arrangement with additional flowers
$144.95 $134.95
