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A Dozen Pink Roses - Same Day Delivery

A Dozen Pink Roses

Product Code: RO12PINK

Height: 20", Width: 16" (approx.)

Pink roses are a beautiful, delicate-looking flower that can be used in many different floral designs.

Pink roses are a type of rose that comes in a variety of shades, from light blush to deep magenta. They differ from other types of roses because they have no thorns and their leaves are smaller and more delicate than those of other varieties. Pink roses are also known for their sweet fragrance, which is stronger than that of most other roses.

While there are many different ways to use pink roses in floral designs, one way is to create an arrangement with them as the focal point. A bouquet consisting solely of pink roses can be arranged with other flowers such as tulips or hydrangeas for added color and texture. Another option is to use multiple arrangements with varying amounts of pink roses so that you have one for every table at your wedding or event.

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